of fertigation
Benefits of fertigation
Greater control over the crop and optimisation of water and fertiliser.
Fertigation devices
Advantages of the different irrigation devices based on the crop conditions.
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
Choosing the right fertiliser to ensure optimal nutrition for our crops.
Advice on installing dosing pumps
Advice on installing dosing pumps
Properly perform fertigation by fully optimising the entire process.
Fertigation control
Fertigation control
Controlling fertiliser products allows us to optimise concentrations and nutrient ratios.
Efficient fulfilment of each crop's water and nutrition needs.
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Benefits of fertigation
of fertigation
Fertigation devices
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
Advice on installing dosing pumps
Advice on installing dosing pumps
Fertigation control
Fertigation control
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What is fertic.com?

Fertic.com is an extensive archive of agronomic information on agricultural techniques related to fertigation.

Grouped in specific categories, we classify and organise the knowledge we have gained over more than 20 years in the agriculture sector, which includes information on fertigation systems and their applications in modern irrigation systems.

The largest fertigation knowledge base

Technical articles, manuals and visual material.
Technical and practical information, updated periodically.

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Advice on installing dosing pumps
There is a range of accessories that we can use to complement our fertigation system in order to make it easier to install and maintain and to reduce the risk of accidents.
The use of irrigation water as a vehicle for fertilising crops has been a common practice in intensive farming for decades, and more recently it has also crept into extensive farming.
Fertigation control
When performing fertigation in a volumetric and discontinuous manner, we fertilise periodically, increasing the frequency with which we provide the plants with the necessary nutrients.
Benefits of fertigation
The automotive sprinkler irrigation system is designed to reduce the costs of a cover irrigation system, and to eliminate the entire piping system, main and secondary, inside a farm.
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
We understand fertigation as the application of nutritional products to crops.
Benefits of fertigation
Managing the fertigation system requires in-depth knowledge of the crop's needs during each season, including both nutrients and water.
Advice on installing dosing pumps
There is a range of accessories that we can use to complement our fertigation system in order to make it easier to install and maintain and to reduce the risk of accidents.
The use of irrigation water as a vehicle for fertilising crops has been a common practice in intensive farming for decades, and more recently it has also crept into extensive farming.
Fertigation control
When performing fertigation in a volumetric and discontinuous manner, we fertilise periodically, increasing the frequency with which we provide the plants with the necessary nutrients.
Benefits of fertigation
The automotive sprinkler irrigation system is designed to reduce the costs of a cover irrigation system, and to eliminate the entire piping system, main and secondary, inside a farm.
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
We understand fertigation as the application of nutritional products to crops.
Benefits of fertigation
Managing the fertigation system requires in-depth knowledge of the crop's needs during each season, including both nutrients and water.
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Advice on installing dosing pumps
There is a range of accessories that we can use to complement our fertigation system in order to make it easier to install and maintain and to reduce the risk of accidents.
The use of irrigation water as a vehicle for fertilising crops has been a common practice in intensive farming for decades, and more recently it has also crept into extensive farming.
Fertigation control
When performing fertigation in a volumetric and discontinuous manner, we fertilise periodically, increasing the frequency with which we provide the plants with the necessary nutrients.
Benefits of fertigation
The automotive sprinkler irrigation system is designed to reduce the costs of a cover irrigation system, and to eliminate the entire piping system, main and secondary, inside a farm.
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
We understand fertigation as the application of nutritional products to crops.
Benefits of fertigation
Managing the fertigation system requires in-depth knowledge of the crop's needs during each season, including both nutrients and water.
Advice on installing dosing pumps
There is a range of accessories that we can use to complement our fertigation system in order to make it easier to install and maintain and to reduce the risk of accidents.
The use of irrigation water as a vehicle for fertilising crops has been a common practice in intensive farming for decades, and more recently it has also crept into extensive farming.
Fertigation control
When performing fertigation in a volumetric and discontinuous manner, we fertilise periodically, increasing the frequency with which we provide the plants with the necessary nutrients.
Benefits of fertigation
The automotive sprinkler irrigation system is designed to reduce the costs of a cover irrigation system, and to eliminate the entire piping system, main and secondary, inside a farm.
Agitating and preparing mother solutions
We understand fertigation as the application of nutritional products to crops.
Benefits of fertigation
Managing the fertigation system requires in-depth knowledge of the crop's needs during each season, including both nutrients and water.
soluciones madre

Preparing the solution

One of the benefits of fertigation is its ability to provide crops with nutrients through the rational use of fertilisers by dosing them in the irrigation water.

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The benefits of fertigation

Fertigation is a cultivation technique that consists of applying fertilisers via technical irrigation systems. The goal of fertigation, together with water and fertilisers, is to save nutrients and water and to increase crop yield.

Improved fertiliser application process

Homogeneous and simultaneous distribution. The nutrients are applied to the roots.

Only the exact amount of water and fertilisers needed is used

The water and nutrients are placed directly in the root’s absorption area.

More efficient use of the inputs applied

By optimising water and fertiliser use, their costs go down.

Environmentally friendly

Soil and subterranean water contamination is minimised.

Improved crop yield and quality

Multi-injection means that the fertiliser can be spread throughout the irrigation water.

Automation and control

It offers greater control over the crop through the automated management of water and fertiliser.

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